Creating web applications that meet the needs of your users and your business goals

How to build a web app?

A web application is built with web technologies like HTML, CSS, Javascript on the browser side. It stores data on a server on a database (MongoDB, RDS, MySQL, etc). The server software could be PHP, Node.JS or .Net. The data is manipulated on the server side and results are constantly returned to the browser. This is what a web application actually is. Now there is a lot of confusion about what is a Web Application and what is not. So here is a list:

      A brochure website (No)
      This website (No)
      Simple WIX websites (No)
      Simple Blogs (No)
      Simple portfolio websites (No)
      Gmail (Yes)
      Majority of websites on our work page (Yes)

Now we gain an understanding of the complexity of website.

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  • Planning with stakeholders

  • Pages and multiple variations

Here are the steps to a plan

Having a clear website plan that is aligned to your business plan significantly improves its chances of success. By establishing why you have a website and understanding what your users want to do on the site, we create measurable goals and objectives.

  • The idea
    What's the idea of the project? What problem are you solving? What pain are you alleviating? What idea are you validating?
  • Researching the market
    This is one of the most important steps. Timing is the biggest factor affecting success of a project. What indicators point to the fact that this is the time to build your project? Are you early? Are you too late? Are you aiming to the last one? Will you be building something that no one wants? Market/Product fit is another reason projects fail.
  • Define your web applications functionality
    Your web app cannot possible have every functionality under the sun. What features will it exclude? This is as important as the features it will have on the web application or the mobile application you build. This is also the time to get creative. Ideally you will have to remove features to a point that nothing can be removed. What is the absolute minimal requirements to make your project viable. This is the question that needs to be answered at this stage.
  • Wireframe or sketch your web application
    This is where your ideas take shape. This is also the stage where your ideas can change and evolve at a low cost to development process.
  • Seek early validation
    If you can get your ideas verified at this stage, it will work really well and keep things simple.

Building the web application

Once you are through the above stages, we get to the development stage. The team at Webdigi has been building Web applications since 2006. We understand the challenges and the opportunities. We emphasise keeping things simple and quick iteration. We do this by continuously improving the sytem by Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery of features and improvements.

About Webdigi & Services

We are a web development company in London. We specialise in developing bespoke web applications & unique web platforms. Over the years we have helped clients build great web applications. From time to time we publish open source tools, projects and articles like this to raise awareness and contribute back to the open source community that we rely on so much!


  • Amazon Certified Solution Architects

    Our Amazon Certified Solution Architects will help you make the most of cloud computing with reliable, scalable and cost-effective solutions.

  • ISO standard

    We are ISO 9001 Certified.
    Our internal processes are externally audited to guarantee efficiency.

  • Accredited supplier of strategic business advice

    We are an accredited supplier of strategic business advice in the UK government's Growth Vouchers programme.

  • Zend PHP Developer

    Our staff are well qualified.
    The lead PHP developers have years of experience and are also Zend Certified.

  • MySQL Enterprise

    Databases are at the heart of every sophisticated web application. We provide reliable backup solutions, efficient load balancing and clustering.



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